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Five Common Storytelling Mistakes

5 Common Storytelling Mistakes

Five Common Storytelling Mistakes

| Tina Bakehouse

If you work for a nonprofit or have your own business, telling your story is important, and telling it well is even more important.

In my experience, I’ve found individuals making these five common storytelling

1) The storyteller fails to have a clear purpose.

Prior to presenting your story ask yourself, “What do you want the story to do for

  • Do you want to grow your business?
  • Do you want to inspire others?
  • What is it you want the audience to do with your information?

2) The storyteller goes on too long with their story.

It’s easier to talk on and on, adding unnecessary details. Your audience has shortened attention-spans; therefore, it’s crucial to get to the point quickly.

Just like the elevator pitch has decreased in length over time (from 5 minutes to now 30 seconds), take the time to structure your story.

Your audience will thank you.

3) The storyteller is unsure with how to start their story.

Have a strong beginning. Go beyond introducing your name or business. Hook your
audience to choose to listen to your message.

Put them in the story as soon as you can, so they can feel the emotions and connect
with your message.

4) The storyteller fails to present a clear and powerful ending.

Just like you need to know how you’re going to start, clearly know how you’re going
to end. Do more than share tragedy or “something bad that happened.”

Build from the conflict to end in a way that rings true to the purpose of your story.

5) The storyteller neglects to let go of their ego.

When you’re telling your story to an audience, it’s easy to make it all about you.

It’s all about your audience.

If the audience wasn’t there to listen, would the story ever happen?

You want them on your journey. To feel your feelings. Experience your challenges
and triumphs.


Join me at Maple Edge Farm, Friday and Saturday, September 16, 17 for a deep-dive
Master Class to craft your signature talk.

Spend time with goats.

Learn more about your temperament and authentic speaker style.

Create content and receive feedback.

Want to learn more?

Additionally, join me for the next storytelling webinar,

Thursday, August 25, 10-noon CST.