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Get Set to Thrive with Tina Bakehouse

Get Set to Thrive with Tina Bakehouse

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As a communication analyst, I work with professionals who want to better understand themselves and be able to communicate more effectively in the workplace and interpersonally.

When I was a guest on the Get Set to Thrive Podcast, hosts Shreyas Koushik and Michele Gunn ask the following questions:

  1. Every communication persuades an audience to either listen or tune out. How do you influence your audience to choose to listen to you?
  2. How does your temperament affect or influence how you work, communicate, and lead?
  3. What are the three S’s to craft clear, effective content?
  4. Everyone has a unique, authentic speaker style. What are three key strategies to perfecting your performance?

This podcast shares many other valuable communication tips. What is your communication strategy to make the most impact?